This is a prime example of a Kafkatrap, where any denial of something is used as proof that you're guilty.) On the other hand, if you go in the opposite direction and defend gays, you're obviously speaking up on behalf of your people, which means you're gay anyway! (Then again, people who would try to catch you out this way are probably homophobes, and thus potentially gay themselves, so in that sense it sort of evens out. Anyone who is homophobic might be suspected of being a secretly self-hating gay person. If Fridge Logic is applied, this trope can become a Morton's Fork. He's the self-loathing gay guy who hides behind a macho homophobic façade. He might be browsing Grindr with a headless torso pic. When night falls, you can find him Where Everybody Knows Your Flame with the Club Kids and Gym Bunnies. He will remind everybody that he is completely, 100% straight. He might hate gays and be vocal, or even violent about it. He's the strongest, toughest, manliest man in the sports team. AKA Haggard's Law, or the Law of Inverse Homosexuality: The more vocally opposed a person is to homosexuality, the more likely they are to be gay themself and closeted about it.